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All our courses are listed on DFE Apply under the provider code 2B4 - GLF Teacher Training. The course codes for each subject are listed below and are linked to the appropriate course page on the DfE Find Postgraduate Teacher Training page where you will find the detailed course profile once the system opens for applications on October 3rd 2023.

Please be aware that salaried places are very limited and may only be offered by a small number of our partnership schools.

We strongly recommend that if you are considering submitting an application for a salaried place you contact our team before applying to discuss placement availability and your suitability for the programme. More information about the entry requirements can be found on the IFT 'Our Programmes' Secondary page.



Fee Funded

Course Code


Course Code

Art and Design 2TCB X
Biology 2TCK TBC
Business Studies 2TC9 X
Chemistry 2TCN TBC
Computing 2TCG TBC
Design and Technology 2ZJM X
Drama 2ZJK X
English 2TCJ X
Geography 2TCD X
History 2TCF X
Mathematics 2TCP TBC
MFL (French only) R246 X
MFL (French and Spanish) 2TCH X
MFL (Spanish only) K188 X
Music 2TC7 X
PE with EBacc X X
Physics 2TCM TBC
Primary (age 3-7) X560 X
Primary (age 5-11) 36ZW X
Religious Education 2TCC X
Sociology V460 X
Psychology V335 X